
Below is a list of peer-reviewed publications I am an author on, in reverse chronological order. Click on the links for further information and a short summary of the content!

Fragmentary and dispersed: Preadult personhood and social memory in a Southeast Asian forager cemetery

Brianna J Muir, Trinh H Hiep, Hallie R Buckley, Kate Domett, Anna Willis, Hirofumi Matsumura, Tran T Minh, Nguyen Lan Cuong, Nghia T Huu, Marc F Oxenham

Hunter Gatherer Research, 2024

Determinants of infant mortality and representation in bioarchaeological samples: A review

Clare McFadden, Brianna Muir, Marc F. Oxenham

American Journal of Biological Anthropology, vol. 177(2), 2022, pp. 196-206

Transforming mortuary rituals in "Christian" Oceania: Post-mission cemeteries from Aniwa, Vanuatu

James L Flexner, Brianna Muir, Stuart Bedford, Frederique Valentin, Denise Elena, David Samoria

The Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 129(3), Polynesian Society Wellington, NZ, 2020, pp. 303-326

Let’s talk about species, baby! Taxonomy and species concepts in the context of Homo luzonensis

Brianna Muir

ANU Undergraduate Research Journal, vol. 10(1), 2020, pp. 77--87


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